Few people enjoy moving, but it is an opportunity to do that decluttering that you've been putting off for years. If you're moving locally, this is especially a good time to do some organization. You'll have fewer items to move and you'll start out in your new home with more space. Here is how to declutter your life as you get ready for your move to a new home.

Start With a Staging Area

Rent a storage unit in one of the storage facilities mid-way between your current and new residences. Get a unit closer to your new home if there aren't any available mid-way. The storage unit will be used to hold items during the move, and longer, if you decide to keep the unit to control clutter in your new home after the move.

Sort Through the House

Go through your house slowly and do one room at a time if that helps. As you walk through the house, you'll put items into three categories:

  • those items you want to donate to a charity or thrift store
  • those items that can be recycled
  • those items that need to be thrown away

As you repeat this process, you'll find that it gets easier to decide what to do with your items.

When you're done with a section of the house, make a trip to the thrift store and recycling center to clear out those areas. Put items to be thrown away out with the trash pickup. Repeat the process until you've gone through the entire house.

Pack For the Move

This is another opportunity to declutter. As you're packing items, you can decide to get rid of them in one of the above ways or keep them. For those items you decided to keep, think about whether you need that item in the new home with you right away. If not, then pack it with other items to go to the storage locker instead of your residence.

For example, if you're moving in the middle of the summer, you can keep your winter clothes in storage instead of taking them to the new house. Tell the moving company which boxes are to go to the storage locker and they can drop them off on their way to the new house with your other items.

Settling Into the New Home

Once you've arrived at the new home and unpacked a few boxes, you can decide how to handle those items in storage. You may enjoy having the extra space and continue to keep items in storage until you really need them. This maximizes the use of the space in your new home instead of cluttering it up with items you may not need for several months.

For more help, contact a facility like Glenbrook Self Storage.
